Surrogate Compensation Explained
Updated on 08/20/2021 Becoming a gestational surrogate is one of the most giving and selfless things that a woman can do for others. While it is a selfless act, it’s

Reliable Recovery Tips After Surrogate Pregnancy
One of the most important requirements to become a surrogate is that the woman must have given birth before to at least 1 child. When these incredible women choose to

The Language of Surrogacy for Surrogates
Navigating the surrogate process can be complicated, and it helps to understand the glossary of words and phrases involved in the journey. If you want to become a surrogate, we’ve

What to Expect: Surrogate Home Visit Edition
A surrogate home visit is an important part of the screening process. If you’d like to know more about how the process works, check out our post!

Surrogate Mother Requirements You May Not Know
Women who want to help other individuals or couples experience the joy of raising a child may consider becoming a gestational surrogate—carrying a baby who isn’t biologically related to the surrogate.

Talking to Kids About Surrogacy
Talking to kids about surrogacy is an important part of the journey. Read more about how to start that conversation here!

Building a Relationship with Your Intended Parents
There is no one size fits all approach for building a relationship with your intended parents, but we’ve got some tips on how to make the most of your journey!

Should I Get a Gift for My IPs?
While being a surrogate is already an incredible gift, some surrogates want to get gifts for their IPs. We’ve provided some great options for gifts for IPs!

When is the Best Time to Become a Surrogate?
The short answer to this question is whenever you are ready! Becoming a surrogate mother is a big commitment that requires a lot of thought, reflection, research, and time. Before

Intended Parents Timeline: How Long is the Surrogacy Process for Parents?
For those who desire to become parents through surrogacy, you likely have many questions about surrogacy and the surrogacy process: What is an intended parent timeline? How long will my surrogacy journey take?

Surrogate Timeline: How Long is the Surrogacy Process for Surrogates?
For women who desire to be surrogate mothers, you likely have many questions about surrogacy and the surrogacy process: What is a surrogate timeline? How long will my surrogacy journey

The Best Surrogacy Books for Adults
While surrogacy has become more popular in recent years as more and more celebrities are using surrogacy to grow their families, there is still a lot of information available that