Motherhood Redefined: Celebrating Intended Mothers

Too often, the definition of motherhood is limited to conceiving naturally, undergoing nine months of pregnancy, and giving birth. However, we recognize that there are many other ways to become a mom, like surrogacy. No one path to parenthood is better or more valid than another.

If you’re an intended mother who has chosen surrogacy as a path to motherhood, you are resilient and have 100% earned the title of “mom.” We recognize the emotional challenges you face and want to empower you along your journey. Most of all, we want to celebrate you and acknowledge your strength.

The Emotional Aspects of Surrogacy for Intended Mothers

The surrogacy experience for intended mothers is exciting, but it also comes with its own emotional challenges. Some intended moms mourn previous losses or experience grief related to missing out on pregnancy. Other concerns include bonding with a baby they aren’t carrying themselves.

While these feelings of grief and anxiety are normal and valid, the truth of the matter is that intended mothers have deep bonds with the children they have through surrogacy. With time and preparation, attachment and bonding will happen naturally — and it will be just as strong and permanent as it is for families formed any other way.

Supporting and Empowering Intended Mothers

Intended mothers need support systems to help them navigate the emotions that come with having a child through surrogacy. Friends, family, and surrogacy agencies should be sources of support and encouragement for intended mothers throughout their journey to parenthood. It can also be helpful to see a counselor, especially one that specializes in fertility-related issues and care.

If you’re an intended mother looking to have a child via surrogacy, you aren’t alone. There are support groups out there, as well as many other resources. Remember, you are worthy of becoming a mother, and having a child by a surrogate doesn’t make that precious baby any less yours. No matter where you are in the process, there are people ready to cheer you on and encourage you every step of the way.

Reproductive Possibilities Supports All Paths to Motherhood

Motherhood has many definitions. Whether you can have kids naturally or need help through a third-party process like surrogacy, we celebrate you as an intended mother. At Reproductive Possibilities, we help intended mothers match with their ideal surrogates and navigate the entire journey from start to finish. For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with our experienced team, contact us today.

Questions About Becoming an Intended Parent or Surrogate?