Exploring Surrogacy as a Family Building Option

In this day and age, there are many different options for individuals or couples to have children who may not be able to conceive naturally, are intended single parents, or are part of the LGBTQ+ community. One alternative path to parenthood becoming more widely used is surrogacy. 

For National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW), we want to highlight and celebrate all the ways people can grow their families. Let’s talk about surrogacy as a family-building option and what you can expect from the process.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two types of surrogacy — traditional and gestational. A traditional surrogate’s own eggs are used to create the embryo, making them biologically related to the child. With a gestational surrogate, the egg and sperm of the intended parents or a separate, sometimes anonymous donor are used to create the embryo. Due to the legal complexities of traditional surrogacy, most agencies, including Reproductive Possibilities, only work with gestational surrogates.

The Surrogacy Process

Finding a surrogate, supporting them through their pregnancy journey, and finally going home with your baby can be a long yet exciting journey. Here’s an overview of what you can expect from the process:

1. The Consultation

The surrogacy journey begins with a thorough consultation designed to explore your options and finalize your preferences. You’ll partner with an agency dedicated to helping you navigate each step of the surrogacy process. 

2. The Search For a Surrogate

After your initial consultation, the search for a surrogate will begin. Your surrogacy agency will help you find a gestational carrier that meets your personal criteria, sharing their profile with you to review. Then, you’ll have some time to talk with the potential surrogate to ensure you’re a good match for one another. 

3. The Screenings

Once you pick your surrogate, they’ll undergo a few screenings to ensure they’re physically and mentally ready to carry and deliver a child. You’ll discuss finances, sign necessary contracts, and prepare for the embryo transfer.

4. The Embryo Transfer

Your fertility clinic will manage your surrogate’s medications and prepare them for transfer. Then, a fertility specialist will implant the embryo into the gestational carrier’s uterus.

5. The Pregnancy 

Once the heartbeat is confirmed, your surrogate will progress through pregnancy normally. Between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, you’ll go through the legal process of declaring yourself or yourself and your partner the legal parents of the child. 

6. The Delivery

You’ll keep in touch with your surrogate and make any necessary travel arrangements before their estimated due date. Once they give birth and the baby is released from the hospital, you’ll make your journey home as an official family! Your surrogacy agency will help you finalize all medical bills as well as your surrogate’s expenses.

Begin Your Surrogacy Journey Today

Surrogacy is a beautiful process that helps all types of couples and individuals build the families of their dreams. If you’re interested in working with or becoming a surrogate, contact Reproductive Possibilities. We’ve helped nearly 2,000 families successfully navigate the surrogacy process. For more information, contact our highly experienced team today.

Questions About Becoming an Intended Parent or Surrogate?