Intended Parents

Motherhood Redefined: Celebrating Intended Mothers
Too often, the definition of motherhood is limited to conceiving naturally, undergoing nine months of pregnancy, and giving birth. However, we recognize that there are many other ways to become

Preparing for Baby: How to Get Ready for Parenthood After Surrogacy
As an intended parent (IP), you may wonder how you will manage after the surrogacy process. Getting ready for a new baby is no small undertaking. Like any expectant parent,

How Can I Prepare To Work With a Gestational Surrogate?
Entering into a surrogacy agreement is a very exciting time for everyone involved. From the intended parent’s point of view, you’re agreeing to place your trust in a gestational surrogate

How to Explain Surrogacy to Family and Friends – from an Intended Parent Perspective
Certain topics of conversation, such as finances, politics, and religion, are well-known by most as topics that you should avoid bringing up in social situations. One topic that isn’t normally